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Why Buying a Home Isn’t All About Building Equity

Home improvement couple holding hands
Image courtesy of Roselyn Tirado

Exploring the Emotional Side of Homebuying

Buying and owning your own home can have a big impact on your life. While there are financial reasons to become a homeowner, it’s important to consider the non-financial benefits that make a home more than just a smart investment.

The Ability to Personalize Your Space

According to Fannie Mae, 94% of survey respondents say “Having Control Over What You Do with Your Living Space” is one of the best reasons to own a home.

Your home is truly your own space. If you own a home, unless there are specific homeowner association requirements, you can decorate and change it the way you like. That means you can make small changes or even do big renovations to make your home perfect for you.

Want to drop in a pool to stay cool in the hot Florida sun? Go for it.

Need to redo your kitchen to fit your party hosting dreams? No problem. 

Have the urge to repaint the walls a relaxing seaside blue? Grab your brushes!

Two men with buzzsaw preparing two by fours
Image courtesy of Annie Gray

When you rent an apartment or home, you might not be able to make your place feel like it’s really yours. It’s all too easy to feel like a passing guest in what should be a safe, comfortable space. And if you do make any modifications, you’ll have to change them back before you leave or sacrifice a hefty chunk of your security deposit. But if you own your home, you can make it just the way you want it. That level of customization can give you a sense of pride in where you live.

Your home is uniquely yours and by buying, you give yourself the freedom to tailor it to your individual style. Investopedia puts it succinctly:

“One often-cited benefit of homeownership is the knowledge that you own your little corner of the world. You can customize your house, remodel, paint, and decorate without the need to get permission from a landlord.”

Fluffy white dog in the middle of home improvement
Image courtesy of Cal David

A Place to Raise a Family

Fannie Mae also finds 90% say “Having a Good Place for Your Family To Raise Children” tops their list of why it’s better to buy a home. And—not to brag—but there are few places in Florida better to raise children than St. Johns County. Not only is the weather perfect for outside play nearly every day of the year, St. Johns County boasts the #1 School District in the entire state of Florida.

No matter which of life’s milestones you’re in, stability and predictability are important. That’s because the one constant in life is that things will change. And, as life changes around you, having a familiar home and not worrying about moving regularly helps you and those who matter most feel more secure and more comfortable.

Home building supplies in tile bathroom
Image courtesy of La Miko

Feeling Engaged in Your Community

Lastly, Fannie Mae says 82% list “Feeling Engaged in Your Community” as another key motivator to own their own home.

Owning your home helps you feel even more connected to your neighborhood. As time passes, it’s natural to make friends and build strong ties in the community and St. Augustine is one incredible community. Our entire team at the Newcomer Group lives and works here and we can truly speak from firsthand experience that there are few places in the world as special. 

Don’t believe us? Take a sunrise walk on the beach and you might see us catching some early waves. Or, stroll downtown and we’ll bet dollars to donuts you’ll find us enjoying an ice cream cone from Mayday or a beverage at Boat Drinks.

Welcome Home to St. Augustine

Owning your home can make your life better by giving you a sense of accomplishment, pride, stability and connectedness. If you’re thinking about becoming a homeowner and want to learn more, let’s connect. Feel free to check out our up-to-date real estate listings or give us a call at (904) 599-5633.

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